Registration Open!!

DC FLI Date Change

Mark your calendars for this year’s annual DC FLI

MAY 5-7, 2012

Above: My friend Abby Brack snuck in a few surprise shots of me at DC FLI last year, just before she headed off for a photo shoot with the Governor of Michigan. And below some of my friends & classmates the year prior:

Last year I joined over one hundred Naturopathic Doctors and medical students on capitol hill to help spread the word about Naturopathic Medicine’s role in Health Care. I think it is very important for NDs and ND students to stay abreast of the political climate around health care and our licensure. And I think DC FLI is a great way to get involved and educate yourselves, as well as the members of congress from your home states. Plus it’s inspiring to meet so many NDs and to be be in our nation’s capitol.

Our trip is partially funded by donations. So far, we have received donations from some very generous businesses, such as:

Cloud City Coffee

Gaia Herbs

Lunessa Designs

New England School of Homeopathy

Nordic Naturals

Ruby Moon Wellness

Shakti Vinyasa Yoga

If anyone else out there is interested in donating please let us know. Your donations are helping send 40 Bastyr students to DC to talk with our legislatures about the value of Naturopathic Medicine in Health Care. Thank you!!

Thank you for helping us spread the world about Naturopathic Medicine.


Suit: Elie Tahari; Shoes: Tieks (for those of you women after my own heart who ask 😉 )