Cool down with Cucumber

A combination of this morning’s run around Lake Union in the Seattle sun and it being finals week … I am feeling a little pitta deranged.  I decided to make some cucumber water to cool me down.  Although I often tend towards Kapha – and fully embrace my Kapha nature … today is an exception.  (Find your ayurvedic dosha here; though please note that the science of ayurveda is far more complex than a series of questions and initial observations.)

The cucumber water accompanied with the arrival of my first order as the Wise Woman Herbals Bastyr Student Representative has made me one happy lady.  (Those of you who placed an order are probably also very happy!)  My Gingkola Tonic could not have arrived at a more perfect time.

My adrenals are thanking me …

… even if I will be studying pathology for the next 24 hours. C’est la vie … at least the sun is shining!